Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The first week of October, I had "associate on-boarding" at Bath and Body Works. I am a seasonal temp worker at the Cookeville BBW! Including my training days I have worked four days total and I don't think I've done too much damage. I'm doing fairly well at my first EVER job. It only took me twenty-two years on God's beautiful earth for me to land my first job, but here we are.  I think I will like it pretty well. I am getting faster at ringing people up at the cash wrap and I'm gaining more confidence to approach customers and provide them with assistance. I found out this morning that I did make a pretty big boo-boo yesterday but I won't find out how mad they are at me until my next work day (I was off today!) I'm glad I'm gaining some experience so that whenever Brian graduates and we move, I will have something besides education on my resume. It's all about making yourself look better, right? Haha! Even though I've only technically worked two days, I think this will be a fun job. It's not something I'd want to do forever but it's definitely okay for now. I wouldn't mind working there until May, but they aren't looking to hire people after Christmas. Bummer.

This past weekend the whole Gunter family trekked up the mountains to a cabin above Pigeon Forge.  There is no possible way Brian or I could have driven one of our cars! The drive was so steep and gravelly! The view was pretty awesome. I wish more of the trees in my line of sight were in their full fall spectacular, but it was still amazing. The only downfall of the weekend was the cockroach invasion! My sister-in-law was ready to leave the place Saturday morning, so Jordan, Rhonda, Jaren, Brian and I went down the mountain (less scary in the daylight) to Pigeon Forge proper and had some fun on the go-carts. Go-carts are fun if you get a fast one, but not so much when your car is the absolute slowest one on the planet. I am not kidding. Brian and I rode together and Jordan and Jaren rode together and they nearly lapped us our car was so slow. I guess that was karma for Brian having the fastest when we drove singles ;)

Here are a few more pictures from the photo challenge. Since I haven't updated, I did several to catch up.

2. Pure White--my work shirts
3. Smile--a favorite photo on nightstand

4. Hat--from a raffle at UTM
5. Love--Our marriage certificate

6. Indulgence--pizza gone

7. Diva

8. Flowers

9. Postcard

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